Thursday 15 June 2017

Manual Forex Do Ifundtraders

Journey Today With. Perguntas freqüentes Nós obtivemos as respostas A iFundTraders, LLC é uma firma de corretagem No. iFundTraders, LLC, uma empresa de comércio educacional baseada em Nova York, que treina e prepara indivíduos para se juntar às filas de profissionais, tornando-se um membro de uma equipe de elite de comerciantes que São totalmente financiados e compartilham com a empresa com rentabilidade. Após a conclusão completa do nosso programa de treinamento, cada comerciante oferece a opção de se tornar um membro e negociar a conta de nossa empresa de comércio preferencial. IFundTraders está contratando-me Não. Você não está sendo contratado no sentido tradicional com benefícios e um salário. Se você completar o nosso pacote de educação de 7 dias, você terá a oportunidade de negociar para nossa empresa comercial preferencial como comerciante profissional. Você receberá uma conta financiada ao vivo para negociar nesse nome de empresas e ter a oportunidade de ganhar a vida na negociação dos mercados. Você será compensado com base em sua performance como comerciante profissional com a empresa. Quais serão as minhas responsabilidades como comerciante profissional, uma vez que eu tenha sido totalmente licenciado no iFundTraders Master Training Program Seu único dever será o comércio. Os alunos do iFundTraders serão ensinados em vários métodos comprovados que produziram ganhos consistentes para muitos de nossos comerciantes existentes. Ao longo de alguns meses, o comerciante irá finalmente se estabelecer com um estilo que melhor se adapte ao seu perfil e personalidade. Os estilos de negociação nunca podem ser genéricos. Eles devem combinar a maquiagem psicológica dos comerciantes. É por isso que um comerciante pode fazer uma fortuna com um método, enquanto outro comerciante pode perder uma fortuna com o mesmo. Vamos ajudá-lo a encontrar o estilo de negociação mais adequado para você. Preciso depositar 5.000 capital de risco ou qualquer outro montante, uma vez que estou pronto para negociação. Nenhum depósito de risco não é necessário para aqueles que se formaram no nosso programa de treinamento e decidem se tornar profissionais. Nossos graduados começam a comercializar suas carreiras comerciais comercialmente capital da empresa. Eles não arriscam seu próprio dinheiro. Na verdade, a empresa não se beneficia, a menos que você obtenha lucro. Em um sentido muito real, a empresa se torna parceira apenas no seu sucesso como comerciante. Se você perder e cancelar, todas as perdas são as empresas. É somente quando você começa a ganhar dinheiro que a empresa se beneficia. Isso nos dá e nossa empresa de comércio preferencial cada incentivo no mundo para fazer o nosso melhor para transformá-lo em um comerciante rentável, o mais rápido possível. Recebo um salário se iFundTraders me contratar como comerciante Cada estudante do iFundTraders tem a capacidade de se tornar contratado como comerciante profissional com nossa empresa comercial preferencial, na qual eles são pagos somente em desempenho. A remuneração é baseada em lucro e perda líquida de cada comerciante individual. Nós fornecemos um Programa de Avanço Trader cuidadosamente estruturado que aumentará o capital que você pode negociar, conforme você demonstra rentabilidade consistente. Não há limites nos níveis que podem ser alcançados, então sua receita potencial é praticamente ilimitada. Eu gosto de tudo o que eu li, é treinamento e negociação remota para iFundTraders possível Sim Anos atrás, a resposta a esta pergunta teria sido um ressonante não. Hoje, devido aos avanços tecnológicos incríveis no campo de comércio profissional, podemos monitorar, auxiliar e ensinar um comerciante de forma remota, tão eficaz como um no local. Muitos comerciantes melhoram do conforto e da solidão de suas próprias casas. Além disso, nossos estagiários remotos e comerciantes experimentam tudo o que acontece em um balcão comercial principal através da nossa sala de negociação privada virtual (virtual). Como faço para começar como estudante e comerciante Para se tornar um graduado da iFundTraders, você deve completar satisfatoriamente as seguintes duas fases de treinamento: Fase I: O Programa Master Trader Estes são sete dias completos de treinamento intenso. Este é o programa que produziu o maior número de sucessos comerciais para o iFundTraders. Fase II: Modo de Negociação Simulado Esta é a fase em que cada trader recebe uma conta de negociação simulada, completa com dados de mercado reais e ao vivo para aperfeiçoar as táticas de negociação e as estratégias sofisticadas ensinadas no Master Trader Program. Ao avançar com sucesso para o nível 4 da nossa Tabela de Avanço do Comerciante, o comerciante é elegível para se tornar um verdadeiro comerciante profissional com uma conta financiada em nossa empresa comercializada preferencial. É o que se chama Fase III: Negociação Profissional. 100 de todos os lucros vão ao comerciante até que todas as taxas de educação pagas ao iFundTraders tenham sido recuperadas. Isso, de fato, torna o programa inteiro livre para aqueles que progridem. Quando eu posso retirar uma parte ou todos os meus lucros, uma vez que eu pro pro na Fase III, as verificações de lucro de negociação mensal são dispersas a cada mês após aquela em que foram geradas. Por exemplo, os lucros obtidos durante o mês de janeiro serão pagos até 20 de fevereiro. Posso solicitar o poder de compra adicional como comerciante profissional na Fase III Sim. No entanto, este aumento sempre será concedido com base no seu desempenho comercial. Em nosso programa estruturado, o comerciante profissional na Fase III ganha maior e maior exposição a mais capital. Como a maioria dos comerciantes sabe, quanto maior o poder de compra, maiores os lucros potenciais. Este potencial extra é obtido através da consistência mais do que qualquer outra coisa. No mundo do comércio profissional, a consistência é o rei, consistência casada com baixas baixas e swings de pequenas contas. Alguns comerciantes desenvolveram uma consistência que promove poucos dias perdidos durante cada mês, com balanços de contas quase inexistentes. Adoro o programa oferecido no iFundTraders, mas não posso negociar em tempo integral no momento. Posso tornar-se um estudante de meio período iFundTraders Sim. Tradutores a tempo parcial geralmente crescem em alguns dos nossos melhores comerciantes. Em primeiro lugar, seu crescimento e desenvolvimento como comerciantes profissionais ocorrem em períodos menores, mais digeríveis. Em segundo lugar, as lições aprendidas são estáveis ​​e a natureza a tempo parcial de sua negociação reduz o risco de sobrecarga e sobrecarregada com muito ao mesmo tempo. Alguns dos melhores comerciantes em tempo integral hoje começaram como comerciantes a tempo parcial em primeiro lugar. Existe uma taxa adicional para retomar o treinamento fornecido pelo iFundTraders No. Como estudantes do iFundTraders, você terá permissão para retomar toda a educação fornecida gratuitamente. Nunca há uma taxa adicional para a educação, o que torna nosso programa muito poderoso e sempre gratificante. Na verdade, o iFundTraders encoraja os comerciantes a adotar o programa de treinamento completo pelo menos três vezes. Alguns o levaram até cinco vezes. Uma vez que você se formou e é incorporado na nossa organização comercial como comerciante profissional, você faz parte da nossa família de comerciantes. Sua educação e educação nunca terminará quando os iFundTraders continuarão a orientá-lo por o tempo que for preciso para fazer de você um comerciante mais bem-sucedido. Qual é a sua política de reembolso de cancelamento para os seus programas de treinamento O ponto de venda é completado e entregue uma vez que o pagamento é feito, uma vez que os Serviços de Programas são fornecidos imediatamente dentro do Centro de Controle de Conta Online do membro, que inclui acesso ao Manual de Treinamento do iFT de direitos autorais e proprietários 300 mais. , Que contém estratégias comprovadas, que podem fornecer aos comerciantes para obter renda em tempo integral, quando se utilizam as estratégias fornecidas, juntamente com a auto disciplina consistente. Acesso à sala de negociação on-line do iFT, onde discutimos, treinamos e educamos os comerciantes diariamente, sobre como tirar proveitos dos mercados, em um ambiente de mercado real. Acesso ao Salão de treinamento on-line iFT pago, onde discutimos, treinamos e educamos os comerciantes diariamente, sobre como tirar proveitos dos mercados, em um ambiente de sala de aula em linha. Acesso à sala de suporte on-line do iFT, onde fornecemos suporte técnico a todos os comerciantes, usando nossas plataformas proprietárias. Acesso ao Download da Plataforma e vídeos de treinamento para as plataformas, que foi desenvolvido por nossos melhores instrutores, especificamente para nossos comerciantes. Os membros recebem acesso imediato a essas ofertas proprietárias mediante o pagamento de reembolso ou pedidos de cancelamento inválidos uma vez que os Serviços de Programa foram estabelecidos. Com isso dito, cada estudante do iFundTraders (de Equity ou Forex Master Trader Programs) pode recuperar todas as taxas educacionais pagas através de lucros comerciais. Cada comerciante de Fase III recebe 100 de todos os lucros até que todas as taxas educacionais tenham sido recuperadas. Somente após o reembolso total, a empresa comercial começa a compartilhar a rentabilidade do comerciante. Posso fornecer pagamento via cartão de crédito com iFundTraders Sim, você pode pagar usando um cartão de crédito, mas todos os pagamentos com cartão de crédito não são reembolsáveis ​​e você deve responder a um contrato de e-mail indicando que você entende esta política antes de processar seu pagamento inicial. Como faço para excluir a nova taxa mensal de subscrição do programa 20 Qualquer comerciante que deseje optar por sair da nova taxa mensal de inscrição no programa pode fazê-lo entrando em contato com os comerciantes de contabilidade. Os serviços serão desativados e o status da conta será atualizado em conformidade. Da mesma forma, qualquer comerciante que sinta que foram faturados a nova taxa mensal de inscrição no programa por engano, entre em contato com accountingifundtraders e processaremos seu pedido de reembolso imediatamente, sem perguntas. transferentes Automated Trade-Management System Pro (ift ATMS Pro) Manual do Usuário Transcrição 1 Ifundtraders Automated Trade-Management System Pro (ift ATMS Pro) Manual do Usuário ift ATMS Pro Manual do Usuário (Manual atualizado: 30 de maio de 2013). Page 1 2 TABELA DE CONTEÚDO Introdução. 6 O ift ATMS PRO Principais Características. 6 Aviso de Risco. 9 Capítulo 1 Instalação. 10 Capítulo 2 Compreendendo os diferentes componentes do ATMS PRO. 11 Capítulo 3 O ift ATMS PRO Expert Advisor. 12 Configurando o IFT ATMS PRO na plataforma MT4. 12 Capítulo 4 Os scripts IFT ATMS PRO. 13 Capítulo 4.1 Iniciando um script. 14 Capítulo 4.1 Método 1: Arraste e solte. 14 Capítulo 4.1 Método 2: clique duas vezes no nome do script. 14 Capítulo 4.1 Método 3: atalho do teclado. 14 Capítulo 4.2 O ift ATMS PRO Scripts Descrição. 16 Capítulo 4.2.1: ift Adicionar BBB. 16 Capítulo 4.2.2: ift Adicionar SMA Capítulo 4.2.3: ift Adicionar TP1 ift Adicionar TP2 e ift Adicionar scripts TP3. 19 Capítulo 4.2.4: ift Adjust SL. 20 Capítulo 4.2.5: ift Ajustar TP. 25 Capítulo 4.2.6: comprar ift no LineBreak. 29 Capítulo 4.2.7: ift Compre no PrevBar s High Break. 36 Capítulo 4.2.8: ift Compre agora. 41 Capítulo 4.2.9: ift Cancelar Altere as configurações do ATMS PRO. Capítulo 41. Ift Cancelar pedidos pendentes para todos os pares. 41 ift ATMS Pro Manual do Usuário (Manual atualizado: 30 de maio de 2013). Page 2 3 Capítulo. Ift Cancelar pedidos pendentes para o par atual. 42 Capítulo. Ift Cancelar a configuração comercial. 42 Capítulo. Ift Altere as configurações do ATMS PRO. 43 Capítulo. Ift Change Console Size. 45 Capítulo. Ift Change Console Tab. 45 Capítulo. Ift Change Fixed-R. 45 Capítulo. Ift Fechar todas as ordens abertas para CurrencyPair. 45 Capítulo. Ift Fechar todas as ordens. 45 Capítulo. Ift Fechar todas as ordens pendentes. 45 Capítulo. Posições atuais da ATMS PRO. 46 Capítulo. Ift Fechar Ordens abertas para TODOS OS pares. 46 Capítulo. Ift ConsoleTabAct Trade. 46 Capítulo. Ift ConsoleTabCompletedTrade. 46 Capítulo. Ift ConsoleTabSettings. 46 Capítulo. Se excluir rótulos e linhas. 46 Capítulo. Ift Execute Trade. 47 Capítulo. Ift Sell at Line break, ift Sell at PrevBar s Low Break, e ift Sell Now 47 Chapter. Ift Subt BBB, ift Subt SMA1, ift Subt TP1, ift Subt TP2, ift Subt TP3..47 Capítulo. Se for apagar as setas de amplificação das setas, desligue. 47 Capítulo. Se for possível ativar e desativar os rótulos. 48 Capítulo. Ift Trail to Current Time Frame. 48 Capítulo. Ift View Alert History. 49 Capítulo. Ift Ver licenças. 49 Capítulo 5 O console ATMS PRO. 50 ift ATMS Pro Manual do Usuário (Manual atualizado: 30 de maio de 2013). Page 3 4 Capítulo 5.1 Tamanho da consola e modo minimizado. 50 Capítulo 5.2 ift ATMS Pro Status LED. 54 Capítulo 5.3 As guias da consola. 54 Capítulo 6 O ift ATMS PRO alocação de tamanho do lote. 56 Capítulo 6.1 Modo de tamanhos de lotes fixos. 56 Capítulo 6.2 Modo R-Value fixo. 56 Capítulo 7 As Configurações das Entradas ATMS PRO. 58 Capítulo 7.1 Alterando as configurações ift ATMS PRO. 58 Capítulo 7.2 As configurações do ift ATMS PRO em detalhes. 59 Seção A. 59 Seção B: Configurações fixas do tamanho do lote. 59 Seção C: R Configurações do tamanho do lote. 60 Seção D: Configurações Bar-by-Bar. 62 Seção E: Configurações de interrupção SMA. 62 Seção F: Configurações TP1, TP2, TP3. 63 Seção G: Configurações anteriores do Bar-High (PBH) e PBL. 64 Seção H: Configurações relacionadas ao comércio adicionais. 64 Seção I: Configurações Gráficas. 67 Seção J: Configurações da Licença. 71 Capítulo 8 ift ATMS PRO recuperação automática do comércio. 72 Capítulo 9 ift ATMS PRO Sistema de rotulagem avançada. 73 Capítulo 10 Envio automático na conclusão do comércio. 75 O Capítulo 11 recomendou a configuração do WealthTrader FX Pro. 76 Capítulo 12 Manipulações manuais das posições ift ATMS PRO. 77 ift ATMS Pro Manual do Usuário (Manual atualizado: 30 de maio de 2013). Page 4 5 Capítulo 13 ift ATMS PRO limitações e restrições. 78 Capítulo 13.1 Mudando os modelos. 78 Capítulo 13.2 Alteração de perfis. 78 Capítulo 13.3 Parcialmente fechando parte da posição. 78 Capítulo 13.4 Alterando o cronograma das estratégias de trânsito. 79 O Capítulo 13.5 Propriedades do Advisor Expert (F7) não está funcionando. 79 Capítulo 14 ift ATMS PRO relatório de erros. 81 Capítulo 14.1 Não é possível alterar a perda de parada. 81 Capítulo 14.1 Por favor, habilite o consultor especialista para o ift ATMS PRO para funcionar. 82 Capítulo 14.1 Defina permitir a negociação ao vivo. 83 Capítulo 15 Solução de problemas do ift ATMS Pro com perguntas comuns. 84 Capítulo 15.1 Iniciou o ift ATMS PRO no gráfico, mas não vejo o ATMS. 84 ift ATMS Pro Manual do Usuário (Manual atualizado: 30 de maio de 2013). Page 5 6 INTRODUÇÃO O ift ATMS PRO é um sistema de gerenciamento de comércio automatizado altamente sofisticado e fácil de usar, que é projetado para ajudar os comerciantes em muitas das etapas comerciais. É importante notar que os seres humanos ainda são muito superiores a qualquer software de computador em reconhecimento de padrões. Portanto, o ATMS PRO deixa o comerciante analisar os gráficos e apresentar boas entradas comerciais. Recomenda-se que o comerciante participe de seminários de ifundtraders e sala de negociação em conjunto com o uso do ATMS PRO, para aprender sobre o comércio de Forex e desenvolver as habilidades analíticas necessárias para fazer inscrições comerciais apropriadas. Uma vez que uma entrada comercial é identificada, o ATMS PRO pode ajudar os comerciantes tremendamente na execução da entrada identificada apropriadamente, gerenciando o comércio e aderindo ao seu plano de negociação. Este manual ensina o uso básico do ift ATMS Pro e destina-se a ser usado em conjunto com o seminário ifundtraders ATMS Pro. Por favor, consulte o manual do ifundtraders para saber mais sobre as estratégias de SMA e as estratégias de arrastar bar-by-bar do ifundtraders. O ift ATMS PRO Principais características Nota: para ativar recursos especiais do ATMS relacionados às contas de suporte, defina a configuração ispropaccount do consultor especial como verdadeira (consulte o capítulo 7.2 seção A para mais detalhes) Alocação automática do tamanho do lote: o ift ATMS O PRO permite ao usuário predefinir o valor máximo (em dólares norte-americanos), o comerciante está disposto a arriscar em um determinado comércio (o R-Valor do comércio). Então, quando o comerciante está configurando um novo comércio com o stop-loss para o comércio, o ATMS PRO calcula automaticamente os tamanhos de lote para esse comércio com base no R-Value e na perda de parada. Capacidade de estabelecer três níveis de lucro, como ensinado nos cursos de ifundtraders, nos níveis T1, T2 e T3. Capacidade de gerenciar uma parte das posições comerciais ao avançar automaticamente usando estratégias bar-by-bar ou de simples-média móvel (SMA), conforme ensinado por ifundtraders. Capacidade de predefinir as percentagens do total de tamanhos de lotes comerciais atribuídos às diferentes posições (tendo lucro em T1, T2, T3, arrastando por estratégia bar-by-bar e estratégia SMA). Enquanto o comerciante está configurando e ajustando o SL no gráfico, o ift ATMS PRO calcula automaticamente os tamanhos de lotes máximos permitidos, como se fosse o ATMS Pro Manual do Usuário (Manual atualizado: 30 de maio de 2013). Page 6 7 próximo possível do valor R. O IFT ATMS PRO exibe os tamanhos de lote para cada uma das posições (estratégias) e mostra o risco total para o comércio. O ift ATMS PRO fornece interface de usuário gráfica aprimorada que promove muito o controle dos comerciantes de muitos dos elementos comerciais e também fornece informações importantes sobre o comércio de forma fácil de ver. Capacidade de inserir um comércio em um modo de tamanho de lote fixo. O IFT ATMS PRO permite que o usuário veja antecipadamente, antes de entrar no comércio, qual seria o risco do comércio se parasse. O ift ATMS PRO também permite ao usuário ajustar os tamanhos de lotes rapidamente para as diferentes estratégias ao configurar o comércio. Capacidade de mover automaticamente a stop-loss para break even (ou outro número predefinido de pips da entrada), uma vez que o par de moedas atingiu um determinado preço. Capacidade de ver o risco atual do comércio a qualquer momento durante o comércio. O ATMS PRO foi projetado para oferecer flexibilidade no gerenciamento de comércio e, portanto, permite que o comerciante gerencie manualmente uma parte do comércio e deixe o ATMS PRO continuar gerenciando o resto. Cada uma das posições do ift ATMS PRO é aberta como uma ordem separada, criando a máxima flexibilidade, pois permite que o comerciante controle manualmente parte do comércio, enquanto deixa o ift ATMS PRO gerenciar o resto das posições. O ATMS PRO fornece recuperação automática do comércio. Se a plataforma estiver desligada inesperadamente, por exemplo, devido à falta de energia ou ao desligamento do computador, quando o WealthTrader FX Pro for reiniciado, o ift ATMS PRO tentará automaticamente recuperar o comércio e continuar seu gerenciamento. Mesmo que não seja garantido que o ift ATMS PRO seja bem sucedido na recuperação do comércio em 100 vezes, é bem sucedido no processo de recuperação a maior parte do tempo. O IFT ATMS PRO usa um sistema de Etiquetagem inteligente. O ift ATMS PRO marca no gráfico a entrada e as saídas de diferentes posições comerciais com cabeças de seta. Conecta a entrada e sai com linhas de tendência. O ATMS PRO também adiciona rótulos descrevendo as estratégias das entradas e saídas do manual de usuário ift ATMS Pro (Manual atualizado: 30 de maio de 2013). Page 7 8 posições diferentes. Esses rótulos são re-desenhados no gráfico automaticamente ao alterar os cronogramas dos gráficos, de modo que as etiquetas sejam espaçadas automaticamente abaixo e acima das barras apropriadas nos diferentes intervalos de tempo. O sistema de rotulagem inteligente mantém automaticamente o gráfico nas últimas negociações. Ao chegar ao 30º comércio, apaga os 10 primeiros negócios. Esse recurso torna mais fácil para o comerciante voltar ao gráfico e analisar as negociações anteriores para melhorar a experiência de aprendizagem. Uma vez que um comércio é iniciado, o comerciante pode alterar o cronograma do gráfico para ver o par de moedas em outros intervalos de tempo e o ift ATMS PRO continuará a gerenciar o comércio com base no cronograma de entrada. Mesmo que o comerciante altere o símbolo dos gráficos (arrastando e soltando um símbolo diferente da janela de Dados no WealthTrader FX Pro), o ift ATMS PRO continua gerenciando o comércio original. O IFT ATMS PRO reconhece o nível na tabela de avanço para contas de PROPs automaticamente. O ift ATMS PRO exibe o PL da conta para esse dia de negociação no console, para ajudar o comerciante a evitar ser impedido para o dia. Também mostra quando o comerciante atingiu o alvo diário. Para as contas Prop, o ift ATMS PRO acompanha o número de lotes disponíveis para o comércio com base na tabela de avanço e no número de lotes utilizados em outras negociações na conta (seja eles inseridos manualmente ou através do ift ATMS PRO). O ift ATMS PRO exibe o número de lotes disponíveis no console. O ift ATMS PRO ajusta automaticamente o número de lotes que abre para uma negociação em uma conta PROP (usando o método do valor R) com base no número de lotes disponíveis para negociação no momento de acordo com a tabela de avanço. O ift ATMS PRO também possui outros recursos que ajudam o comerciante com a tabela de avanço do PROP. Por exemplo, o ift ATMS PRO fornece avisos visuais quando o risco de comércio excede uma porcentagem definida pelo usuário (33 por padrão) da perda diária total permitida com base no nível de comerciante na tabela de avanço. Manual do usuário do ift ATMS Pro (Manual atualizado: 30 de maio de 2013). Page 8 9 Aviso de Risco Este manual de modo algum ensina como negociar, ou dá qualquer conselho sobre estratégias de negociação. Forex e CFDs são produtos alavancados. A negociação de Forex ou CFD envolve riscos substanciais, incluindo perda de fundos completa e outras perdas e pode não ser adequado para todos os investidores. Os clientes devem fazer um julgamento independente sobre se o comércio é apropriado para eles à luz de sua condição financeira, experiência de investimento, tolerância ao risco e outros fatores. Você não deve arriscar mais do que está preparado para perder. Como a negociação Forex e CFD pode não ser adequada para todos os investidores, certifique-se de que compreende perfeitamente os riscos envolvidos e, se necessário, procure um conselho independente antes de entrar em tais transações. Manual do usuário do ift ATMS Pro (Manual atualizado: 30 de maio de 2013). Page 9 10 CAPÍTULO 1 INSTALAÇÃO Consulte as instruções de instalação atualizadas em nosso site sob a opção de menu de instalação de suporte. Manual do usuário do ift ATMS Pro (Manual atualizado: 30 de maio de 2013). Page 10 11 CAPÍTULO 2 ENTENDENDO OS DIFERENTES COMPONENTES DO ATMS PRO O ift ATMS PRO consiste em várias partes. A parte principal é o ift ATMS PRO expert adviser (ou EA para abreviar). O ift ATMS PRO pode ser encontrado na janela do navegador sob especialistas. Figura 2: 1 Uma vez ativado em um gráfico (veja o Capítulo 3 O ift ATMS PRO Expert Advisor, para descrição detalhada sobre as etapas necessárias para fazê-lo), o console principal ift ATMS PRO pode ser visto: Figura 2: 2 o ift ATM principal Console O console ATMS PRO exibe várias configurações, o status do gerenciamento comercial, se houver, e os resultados do último comércio concluído. Consulte o Capítulo 5 O console ATMS PRO para obter mais detalhes. O usuário controla as funções ATMS PRO através de coleções de scripts. Consulte o Capítulo 4, Capítulo 4, abaixo dos scripts do ift ATMS PRO abaixo. Manual do usuário do ift ATMS Pro (Manual atualizado: 30 de maio de 2013). Page 11 12 CAPÍTULO 3 O CONSELHEIRO EXPERTO IFT ATMS PRO O consultor especial ift ATMS PRO (ou EA para breve) é a parte principal do software ATMS PRO. É necessário estar presente no gráfico que você deseja que o ATMS PRO gerencie o comércio. Configurando o ift ATMS PRO na plataforma MT4 Depois de ter o ift ATMS PRO instalado em seu computador, você está pronto para continuar com a configuração do ift ATMS PRO em sua plataforma MT4. Consulte as instruções atualizadas passo a passo no nosso site sob a seção de suporte para obter instruções de instalação. Manual do usuário do ift ATMS Pro (Manual atualizado: 30 de maio de 2013). Page 12 13 CAPÍTULO 4 OS SCRIPTS DO IFT ATMS PRO Os scripts ift ATMS PRO controlam as diferentes ações do ATMS PRO. Os scripts podem ser vistos em scripts na janela do navegador. Todos os scripts relacionados ao ift ATMS PRO começam com ift ATMS PRO no início do nome do script: Figura 4: 1 ift ATMS Pro Manual do Usuário (Manual atualizado: 30 de maio de 2013). Page 13 14 Capítulo 4.1 Iniciando um script Existem três métodos diferentes de iniciar um script em um gráfico. Observe que a maioria dos scripts requer que um ATP ATT activo esteja presente e esteja funcionando no gráfico. Capítulo 4.1 Método 1: Arraste e solte Um script pode ser iniciado arrastando um script da janela do navegador para o gráfico desejado. Capítulo 4.1 Método 2: clique duas vezes no nome do script Um script pode ser iniciado primeiro tendo o ponteiro do mouse no gráfico desejado e clicando nesse gráfico (por exemplo, selecionando o gráfico) com o botão esquerdo do mouse. Então, na janela do navegador, clique duas vezes no script desejado. Capítulo 4.1 Método 3: atalho do teclado Um script pode ser iniciado usando atalhos de teclado que primeiro devem ser configurados pelo usuário de acordo com as preferências do usuário. Os atalhos do teclado podem ser muito benéficos, pois permitem uma iniciação muito rápida dos comandos e controle do ATMS PRO. Criando um atalho de teclado: Vamos, por exemplo, criar um atalho de teclado para o script, se fechar todas as ordens, que fechará todas as ordens abertas e pendentes na conta MT4 ativa. Para fazer isso: Clique com o botão RIGHT do mouse no script ift Fechar todo o script Orders vx. xx (onde X. XX representa dígitos associados à versão do ATMS PRO). Manual do usuário do ift ATMS Pro (Manual atualizado: 30 de maio de 2013). Page 14 15 Figura 4: 2 No menu que se abre, selecione Definir tecla de atalho A seguinte janela abriria: Figura 4: 3 ift ATMS Pro Manual do Usuário (Manual atualizado: 30 de maio de 2013). Page 15 16 Com o botão esquerdo do mouse, clique na coluna de controle ao lado do nome do script que você gostaria de criar uma chave curta. Qualquer controle ou Alt pode ser selecionado. Em seguida, na coluna de teclas, selecione a chave a ser usada. Observe que o Metatrader4 não permite o uso do teclado numérico. Figura 4: 4 Neste exemplo, o atalho do teclado Ctr C foi inserido como o atalho do teclado para o script ift Close All Orders Pressione Set Fechar a caixa de diálogo quando terminar. Usando atalhos de teclado: para usar um atalho de teclado, verifique se você primeiro clique no gráfico no qual você gostaria que o script atuasse. Em seguida, pressione o atalho do teclado (para o exemplo acima, pressionando Controle e C ao mesmo tempo, iniciaria o script Ift Close All Orders. Capítulo 4.2 O ift ATMS PRO Scripts Descrição Como descrito acima, os scripts ift ATMS PRO são as coleções de comandos Que permitem ao usuário controlar as diferentes ações do ift ATMS PRO, como ajustar configurações de comércio, iniciar negociações, negociar encerramento e alterar as configurações de exibição. Abaixo, encontre uma descrição para cada um dos scripts em ordem alfabética: Capítulo 4.2.1 : Ift Adicionar BBB O ift Adicionar BBB é usado para adicionar lotes ao número de lotes alocados para a estratégia Bar-By-Bar (BBB) ​​antes que uma negociação seja iniciada. Os lotes especificados serão usados ​​somente quando o ift ATMS PRO estiver configurado No modo de lotes fixos. Para mudar entre o modo R e fixo, use o ift ATMS Pro Manual do usuário (Manual atualizado: 30 de maio de 2013). Page 16 17 Se for necessário alterar o código Fixed-R descrito abaixo. Ao aumentar o tamanho do lote, O ift ATMS PRO adicionaria o numbe Lotes listados na configuração do LotStep (na seção B das configurações ift ATMS PRO). Por exemplo, suponha que o console exiba o seguinte: Figura 4: 5 Console com o modo Lotsquot. O console também exibe que o passo de lote está definido para lotes. Como pode ser visto na Figura 4: 5, o passo do lote é definido como 0.01 eo ATMS PRO está no modo de lotes fixos. Iniciando o script ift Adicione BBB neste ponto aumentaria os lotes de BBB se, no entanto, depois de adicionar o passo de lote à posição BBB, o número total de lotes seria maior do que os lotes disponíveis (em uma conta PROP, conforme determinado por O nível de avanço e os lotes atualmente usados ​​em outros negócios), o ift ATMS PRO não permitiria aumentar os lotes e daria um aviso, não pode aumentar o BBB em 0.01, pois seria maior que o tamanho máximo do lote permitido . Isso pode ser visto no exemplo abaixo: ift ATMS Pro Manual do Usuário (Manual atualizado: 30 de maio de 2013). Figura 4: 6 Tentando aumentar o tamanho do lote para lotes maiores do que os disponíveis Capítulo 4.2.2: ift Adicionar SMA1 O ift Adicionar SMA1 é usado para adicionar lotes ao número de lotes alocados à Média de Movimento Simples (Simples Mudança média) antes de iniciar uma negociação. Os lotes especificados serão usados ​​somente quando o ift ATMS PRO estiver configurado no modo de lotes fixos. Para mudar entre R e Modo fixo, use o script ift Chage Fixed-R descrito abaixo. Ao aumentar o tamanho do lote, o ift ATMS PRO adicionaria os lotes de números especificados nas configurações do LotStep (na seção B das configurações ift ATMS PRO). Por exemplo, suponha que o console exiba o seguinte: Figura 4: 7 Console com o modo Lotsquot. Console também mostrando que o lote-passo está definido para lotes, se for ATMS Pro Manual do Usuário (Manual atualizado: 30 de maio de 2013). Como pode ser visto na Figura 4: 5, o passo do lote é definido como 0,01 e o ATMS PRO está no modo de lotes fixos. Iniciando o script ift Adicionar SMA1 neste ponto aumentaria os lotes SMA para Se, no entanto, depois de adicionar o passo de lote à posição SMA1, o número total de lotes seria maior que os lotes disponíveis (em uma conta PROP, conforme determinado por O nível de avanço e os lotes atualmente utilizados em outros negócios), o ift ATMS PRO não permitiria aumentar os lotes e daria um aviso, não pode aumentar o SMA1 em 0,01, pois seria maior que o tamanho máximo permitido , Em uma moda similar à descrita para o script ift Add BBB acima. Capítulo 4.2.3: ift Adicionar TP1 ift Adicionar TP2 e ift Adicionar scripts TP3 O ift Adicionar TP1, ift Adicionar TP2 e ift Adicionar scripts TP3 são usados ​​para adicionar lotes ao número de lotes alocados ao Take Profit no local 1 (TP1) , 2 (TP2) e 3 (TP3), respectivamente, antes de iniciar uma negociação. Os lotes especificados serão usados ​​somente quando o ift ATMS PRO estiver configurado no modo de lotes fixos. Para mudar entre R e Modo fixo, use o script ift Chage Fixed-R descrito abaixo. Ao aumentar o tamanho do lote, o ift ATMS PRO adicionaria os lotes de números especificados nas configurações do LotStep (na seção B das configurações ift ATMS PRO). Por exemplo, suponha que o console exiba o seguinte: Figura 4: 8 Console com o modo Lotsquot. O console também exibe que o passo de lote está definido para lotes. Como pode ser visto na Figura 4: 5, o passo do lote é definido como 0.01 eo ATMS PRO está no modo de lotes fixos. Iniciando o script ift Adicionar TP1 neste ponto aumentaria os lotes TP1 para Se, no entanto, depois de adicionar o passo de lote às posições TP1, TP2 ou TP3, o número total de lotes seria maior do que os lotes disponíveis (em uma conta PROP , Conforme determinado pelo nível de progresso ift ATMS Pro Manual do Usuário (Manual atualizado: 30 de maio de 2013). Page 19 20, e os lotes atualmente utilizados em outros negócios), o ift ATMS PRO não permitiria aumentar os lotes e Dar um aviso, não pode aumentar o TP1 em 0,01, pois seria maior do que o tamanho máximo permitido, de uma forma similar à descrita para o script ift Adicionar BBB acima. Capítulo 4.2.4: ift Adjust SL O script ift Adjust SL permite ao usuário alterar o SL de um comércio ativo graficamente no gráfico, iniciando o ift Adjust SL no gráfico ativo e arrastando a linha SL no gráfico. Este script pode ser usado em pedidos abertos e pedidos pendentes também. O ift ATMS PRO enviaria as ordens apropriadas para o servidor. O exemplo abaixo mostra as etapas de ajustar um SL de um comércio: a captura de tela abaixo é de um comércio inserido no USDCAD. Figura 4: 9 Comércio inserido no USDCAD ift ATMS Pro Manual do Usuário (Manual atualizado: 30 de maio de 2013). Page 20 21 Passo 1: iniciar o script ift Ajustar SL no gráfico acima. Figura 4:10 Depois de iniciar o quimetro Ajuste o script SLquot Observe na figura acima que a linha SL (vermelho por padrão) mudou de uma linha dotdada para uma linha contínua. Observe também a caixa de diálogo que abre com instruções de como alterar o SL. Observe também que o rótulo de ouro que exibe o novo risco do comércio. O novo risco do comércio pode ser visto mudando à medida que a mudança AskBid e como a linha SL está sendo movida no gráfico (Etapa 3 abaixo). Passo 2: clique duas vezes na linha vermelha do SL. A square would be displayed on the right edge of the line. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 21 22 Figure 4:11 double clicking on the SL (red) line Step 3: Moving the SL line Figure 4:12 Adjusting SL Notice that as the SL line is moved, as mentioned above, the ift ATMS PRO calculates the estimated new risk for the trade which is displayed on a label at the top of the console. If the SL is moved in such a way, that the new estimated risk of the trade exceed 33 (this number can be adjusted in the user-defined settings) of the total daily loss allowed for the trader based on the advancement level, then the Risk-Label changes to red, to give a quick visual warning to the trader. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 22 23 Figure 4:13 If the SL is moved in such a way, that the new estimated risk of the trade exceed 33 of the total daily loss allowed for the trader based on the advancement level, then the Risk-Label changes to red, to give a quick visual warning to the trader. The ift ATMS PRO shows guiding information when adjusting the SL on the chart, to ensure that the SL lines are set properly, below or above the AskBid, depending on the direction of the trade. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 23 24 Figure 4:14 Adjusting SL Step 3: Alternative way to change values of the TP SL and Entry lines: It is also possible to set the values of the TP SL and entry lines by right clicking on any of these lines, and selecting Horizontal line properties, and then changing the value in the Parameters tab: ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 24 25 Figure 4:15 Adjusting the SL line by changing the value in the line properties Step 4: When satisfied with the new SL press Yes to set the new SL. The ift ATMS PRO would send the appropriate orders to the server. Note that after pressing Yes the dashed-dot-dashed lines marking the SL levels in the server should move to the new SL locations. Also the LED of the SL in the console should be green, unless the ift ATMS PRO encountered an error. Press No to cancel and leave the stop-loss level as is. Chapter 4.2.5: ift Adjust TP The ift Adjust TP script allows the user to adjust and change the take profit levels of the TP1, TP2 and TP3 positions graphically on the chart, by initiating the script, and then dragging the TP2 TP2 and TP3 lines on the chart. This script can be used on opened orders, and pending orders as well. The ift ATMS PRO would send the appropriate orders to the server. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 25 26 For example, lets continue with the trade that was started above. Step 1: Initiate ift Adjust TP script on the chart: Figure 4:16 ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 26 27 Step 2: Double click on the SL line to select it. A square would be displayed on the right edge of the line. Step 3: Drag the TP line on the chart: Notice the Green label marking the new take profit line. Figure 4:17 Moving the TP1 line to adjust the Take Profit location of TP1 position ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 27 28 Step 4: The lines for TP2 and TP3 can be adjusted in a similar fashion as done above. Figure 4:18 Adjusting TP2 and TP3 Step 5: When satisfied with the new take profit press Yes to set the new take profit. The ift ATMS PRO would send the appropriate orders to the server. Note that after pressing Yes the dashed-dot-dashed lines marking the TP levels in the server should move to the new TP locations. Also the LED of the TP in the console should be green, unless the ift ATMS PRO encountered an error. In addition, the new level of TP1 should be displayed in the console as well, if the ift ATMS PRO is set to move the SL when reaching the TP1 level. Press No to cancel and leave the stop-loss level as is. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 28 29 Figure 4:19 The ift ATMS PRO after changing the TP levels in the example above. Chapter 4.2.6: ift Buy at LineBreak The ift Buy At Line Break script facilities starting a long pending trade on the chart that the script is initiated on, assuming that there is a working ift ATMS PRO running on that chart. The entry price for the trade is set graphically on the chart by moving a line on the chart. The positions (i. e. strategies) to be used in the trade, are determined by the lot sizes allocated for each of the strategies, either in Fixed Lots or fixed R-Value mode. Please see Chapter 6 The ift ATMS PRO Lot size allocation below for further details. To start a trade with this script, all the user has to do is mark the entry price with a line on the chart. The ift ATMS PRO: Displays the risk of the trade while setting up the trade. Automatic lot-size allocation if in R-Value mode. Automatically sets up the correct orders in the server, i. e. Sell Stop, Sell Limit, sell at market, Buy Limit, Buy Stop, or Buy at market, depending on the entry price, trade direction, and AskBid prices. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 29 30 Lets look at an example, to illustrate this script features: Example 1: starting a trade on USDJPY with Fixed R-Value mode: Step 1: initiate the ift Buy at LineBreak script. Figure 4:20 starting the ift Buy at LineBreak script on the chart Several points to note on this chart: The SL is marked, and can be adjusted on the chart by first selecting it (double click), and then moving the SL on the chart (this is similar to the way in which the SL is adjusted in the ift Adjust SL script. Please see the details description in that script above for more information). Note the green label above the console that opened up. Within that label, the ift ATMS PRO displays: o The estimated risk of the trade. o The pips to SL for that trade. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 30 31 o The calculated lot sizes that the ift ATMS PRO can open based on the SL and R-value selected. Step 2: Adjust the SL and TP levels. To adjust the SL and TP lines, select the corresponding lines by double clicking on the lines, and then drag the lines to their desired new levels. Note that the label is set to green when the calculated lot-sizes are greater than zero. When the SL is moved further away, the pips to SL increases, and so the corresponding calculated lot-sizes as can be seen in the screen capture below: Figure 4:21 increasing the distance from the Entry to the SL. Note the decreased number of lot sizes for TP1, TP2 and SMA8, that went down from 0.02 to 0.01 If the SL is moved even further, to the point that the calculated lot-sizes to match the R - value and pips to SL is less than the minimum lot-size allowed (0.01lots), then the lot-size is rounded to zero. If all positions lot-sizes are rounded to zero, than then label background color turns to YELLOW, to warn the trader that no positions could be filled at that level with the parameters set. This can be seen in the following example: ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 31 32 Figure 4:22 Moving the SL further away from the entry, until the calculated lot-sizes are less than the minimum lot-size, and are rounded to zero. At which point, the background label is turned yellow to warn the user. Step 3: Press Yes to start the trade, or cancel to cancel the trade. See the screen capture below of the trade example after pressing Yes on the dialog box, and starting the trade. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 32 33 Figure 4:23 Note that in the terminal window, the orders can be seen. The ift ATMS PRO automatically put in the server Buy-Stop orders for the example above. Figure 4:24 the Terminal Window in WealthTraderPro for the example trade above Note that an arrow and a corresponding label P. B (which stands for Pending Buy), or P. S (which stands for Pending Sell) is marked on the chart. When and if the order is filled, another label is placed on the chart: PBF Pending Buy Fill and PSF Pending Sell fill Figure 4:25 the Pending Buy and Pending Sell Filled labels ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 33 34 Example 2: starting a trade in Fixed Lots mode: Starting a trade in Fixed lots mode, is similar to starting a trade in fixed R-Value. Figure 4:26 initiating the quotift Buy at LineBreakquot script in fixed lots mode Note however, that in the Fixed-Lots Mode as the name indicates, changing the SL line on the chart, would not cause the lot-sizes to change as in the example above using fixed R-Value. Here, only the risk of the trade changes as the SL is moved, and can be seen in the label above the console, together with the pips to the SL. If the SL is moved in such a way, that the new estimated risk of the trade exceed 33 (this number can be adjusted in the user-defined settings) of the total daily loss allowed for the trader based on the advancement level, then the Risk-Label changes to red, to give a quick visual warning to the trader: ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 34 35 Figure 4:27 Risk of trade exceeds the percent of Max daily loss specified. Adjusting the Lots sizes while setting-up the trade In the Fixed lots mode, there is also an option to be able to adjust the lots, while setting up the trade. To do that: Step 1: Initiate the Buy script in Fixed Lots Mode as before. Step 2: Setup the SL and take profit to the desired locations. Step 3: Once the SL and TP are set, if the risk of the trade is too high and one would like to decrease the lot size, or similarly to add more lots to that trade (before starting the trade): Select No on the dialog box. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 35 36 Step 4: use the ift Add TP1, ift Add TP2, ift Add TP3, ift Add BBB and ift Add SMA8 scripts to add more lots to the respective positions. Please see more detail description of these scripts in their corresponding section in this chapter. Similarly one can use the ift Sub TP1, ift Sub TP2, ift Sub TP3, ift Sub BBB and ift Sub SMA8 scripts to decrease the lot sizes of their corresponding positions. As the lot sizes are changed, the console displays the change of the lot sizes, and the risk of the trade is adjusted appropriately: Figure 4:28 decreasing the lot sizes of the different position in the trade example above, while STILL IN THE MIDDLE OF THE TRADE SETUP Step 5: When ready to place the trade, start the ift Execute Trade script. To cancel the trade without placing it: start the ift Cancel trade setup. Chapter 4.2.7: ift Buy at PrevBar s High Break The ift Buy at PrevBar s High Break start a long trade with entry set at the break of the previous bar high on the chart that the script is initiated on, assuming that there is a working ift ATMS PRO running on that chart. This script is particularly helpful in setting up entries using the ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 36 37 stalking techniques taught by Oliver Velez and his staff at ifundtraders. The ift Buy at PrevBar s High Break is similar to the script ift Buy at LineBreak with some key differences: Here the entry line is FIXED, to the previous-bar s high. If the user attempts to move the entry line, then the ATMS PRO moves the entry line back to the previous-bar s high. The entry locations (defining the break of the previous bar s high), is defined as the price of the previous bar high, the spread BBBPIPSAboveBar. The BBBPIPSAboveBar is defined in the ift ATMS PRO settings (currently set to 2 pips by default). Figure 4:29 While still in the trade set-up mode (see Figure 4:30 ift ATMS PRO in quottrade set-upquot mode below), before pressing yes or cancel to activate or cancel the trade, the ATMS PRO would continue to automatically adjust the entry lines to the previous-bar s high. This feature makes it somewhat easier to follow-up a currency pair in stalking mode. Trade Example once you have the ift ATMS PRO active on the chart, with the desired settings set (or loaded via a preset), starting a trade with the ift Buy at PrevBar s High Break script is easy, and illustrated in the following trade example, step-by-step. Step 1: Initiate the ift Buy at PrevBar s High Break script on the desired chart. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 37 38 Figure 4:30 ift ATMS PRO in quottrade set-upquot mode Step 2: The stop loss and take profit locations can be adjusted graphically on the chart, as was previously described in Chapter 4.2.6: ift Buy at LineBreak. Please see there for further details. Step 3: On the ift ATMS PRO dialog box (see Figure 4:30 ift ATMS PRO in quottrade set-upquot mode above), press Yes to place the trade, or cancel to cancel the trade. If pressing yes, the ift ATMS PRO would place the appropriate pending orders in the WealthTrader FxPro server (as can be confirmed by looking at the terminal window of the WealthTrader FxPro meta-trader platform. In Fixed lots mode, the user can also press no in order to adjust the lot-sizes for the trade entry BEFORE placing the trade, as was previous described in Chapter 4.2.6: ift Buy at LineBreak. Please see there for further details. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 38 39 Figure 4:31 Pending Orders placed, as can be seen on the ift ATMS PRO console Please note in the figure above, that the ift ATMS PRO console shows that there are Buy Pending orders for the corresponding positions. Also note that on the chart, the entry is marked with a P. B (Pending Buy) (as long as the ift ATMS PRO is set to display arrows and labels). Once the orders are filled by the server, the ift ATMS PRO shows the new status of the orders as can bee seen in the figure below. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 39 40 Figure 4:32 Order filled by server Note in the figure above, the orders were filled. The SL and TP were set correctly, and so are marked in the ift ATMS PRO with green LEDs. In addition, the ift ATMS PRO places an arrow and label where the order was filled (PBF Pending Buy Filled). In order to see more clearly the pending order location and where the orders were filled, the time frame of the chart above can be changed to the 1min, as can be seen below: ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 40 41 Figure 4:33 The ift ATMS PRO automatically shows where the trade was initiated as pending orders, and where it was actually filled. Chapter 4.2.8: ift Buy Now The ift Buy Now script opens a long position on the chart that the script is initiated on, assuming that there is a working ift ATMS PRO running on that chart. This script shares many of its features with the scripts described in detail above: Chapter 4.2.6: ift Buy at LineBreak and Chapter 4.2.7: ift Buy at PrevBar s High Break, so please refer to these sections to learn about the script. Chapter 4.2.9: ift Cancel Change ATMS PRO Settings The ift Cancel Change ATMS PRO Settings script is initiated to cancel the ift Change ATMS PRO Settings once the ift Change ATMS PRO Settings is triggered. Please see the ift Change ATMS PRO Settings for more details. Chapter. ift Cancel Pending Orders for All Pairs The ift Cancel Pending Orders for All Pairs script, deletes ALL pending orders, i. e. pending buy limit, buy stop, sell limit and sell stop orders that have not been filled yet, in the current account. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 41 42 Chapter. ift Cancel Pending Orders for Current Pair The ift Cancel Pending Orders for Current Pair deletes ALL pending orders (whether managed by the ATMS PRO or entered manually) of the same currency pair as the chart that the script is initiated on. For example, if the script is initiated on a EurUSD 15min chart, the script will delete all pending orders of EuroUSD, whether they were entered manually or through an ATMS PRO on that same or different chart. Chapter. ift Cancel Trade Setup The ift Cancel Trade Setup can be used to cancel setting up a trade entry with one of the ift Buy or ift sell scripts in fixed lot modes, when adjusting the lot-sizes during the trade setup. Please see example 2 in Chapter 4.2.6: ift Buy at LineBreak for explanation of this script and an example. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 42 43 Chapter. ift Change ATMS PRO Settings The ift Change ATMS PRO Settings script, allows the user to change the settings of the ift ATMS PRO expert advisor settings. While the ift ATMS PRO is running, the F7 shortcut, or selecting Expert Advisor Properties (submenu of a chart by clicking right mouse botton) is not working. In order to change the properties of the ift ATMS PRO, please use the ift Change ATMS PRO Settings script, which will hold the ift ATMS PRO on the chart, allowing the user to press F7 (or selecting Expert Advisor Properties from the menu as above) to change the ift ATMS PRO settings. Thus, please follow the following steps to change the ift ATMS PRO settings: Step 1: Initiate the ift Change ATMS PRO Settings script on the desired chart. Figure 4:34 Initiating the ift Change ATMS PRO Settings scripts on the chart. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 43 44 Step 2 Press F7. You should see the following dialog box: Figure 4:35 After pressing F7 in Step 2 above Many of the settings relevant to the current trade would change the behavior of the ift ATMS PRO appropriately even if changed during an active trade. Please see Chapter 7.2 The ift ATMS PRO Settings in detail for description on which settings could be changed prior to initiating a trade, and which can be changed even while the ift ATMS PRO is in the middle of a trade. During this step, if the user wants to cancel the operation of changing the ift ATMS PRO settings, the ift Cancel Change ATMS PRO Settings script can be used to resume the ift ATMS PRO operations. Another alternative is to proceed to step 3, and just press o. k. without making any settings changes. Step 3 Once the settings have been changed, press O. K. This will automatically cause the ift ATMS PRO to resume working (and you should see the ift ATMS PRO Console blinking, and no warning labels displayed, to confirm that. Even if none of the settings were changed, pressing O. K. will resume the ift ATMS PRO operations with the same settings as prior to starting the ift Change ATMS PRO settings script. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 44 45 Chapter. ift Change Console Size The ift ATMS PRO Change Console Size, changes the console size of ALL the ift ATMS PRO expert advisors on the platform. Please see Chapter 5.1 Console Sizes and minimized mode for further details. Chapter. ift Change Console Tab The ift ATMS PRO Change Console Tab switches between the different tabs of the ift ATMS PRO. Please see Chapter 5.3 The Console Tabs for further details. Chapter. ift Change Fixed-R The IFT Change Fixed-R changes the lot-size allocation between the Fixed-Lot-Size mode and the Fixed-R-Value mode. Please see Chapter 6 The ift ATMS PRO Lot size allocation for further details. Chapter. ift Close All Open Orders for CurrencyPair The ift Close All Open Order for Currency Pair, closes all the open (as opposed to pending) orders for the currency pair selected, regardless of the method those orders were open. For example, if initiated on a chart with a EurUSD pair, it will close all open EurUSD orders on all the charts in the current account. Chapter. ift Close All Orders The ift Close All Orders script closes all the orders in the current account. Chapter. ift Close All Pending Orders The ift Close All Pending Orders script closes all the pending orders (buy stop, buy-limit, sell stop, and sell limit) in the current account. It does not close the open orders. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 45 46 Chapter. ift Current ATMS PRO positions The script closes the orders (pending or open orders) that are managed by the ift ATMS PRO on the chart that the script is run. EXAMPLE: Chart A: EurUSD 15min chart with an IFT ATMS managing open positions. Chart B: EurUSD 4HR chart with an ift ATMS managing open positions. Running this script on Chart A, will ONLY close the positions that were managed on chart A, and will not affect the positions managed on Chart B. Chapter. ift Close Open Orders for ALL Pairs This script will close all the open orders for all pairs, but will not close the pending orders. Chapter. ift ConsoleTabAct Trade This script changes the tab in the console to the Active Trade tab. Please see Chapter 5.3 The Console Tabs for further details. Chapter. ift ConsoleTabCompletedTrade This script changes the tab in the console to the Completed trade tab. Please see Chapter 5.3 The Console Tabs for further details. Chapter. ift ConsoleTabSettings This script changes the tab in the console to the Settings tab. Please see Chapter 5.3 The Console Tabs for further details. Chapter. ift Delete labels and lines ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 46 47 This script deletes all the ift ATMS Pro labels and lines. Other user defined objects on the charts would not be affected (unless given an object name similar to the objects created by the ift ATMS, which would be extremely unlikely event unless done so intentionally). Chapter. ift Execute Trade The ift Execute Trade is used to execute a trade after setting up a trade entry with one of the ift Buy or ift sell scripts in fixed lot modes, when adjusting the lot-sizes during the trade setup. Please see example 2 in Chapter 4.2.6: ift Buy at LineBreak for explanation of this script and an example. Chapter. ift Sell at Line break, ift Sell at PrevBar s Low Break, and ift Sell Now These scripts are similar to the three ift Buy scripts (the ift Buy Now, the ift Buy at Prev Bar s High Break, and the ift Buy at Line Break), except that they place short positions, rather than long positions. Please see the discussions above (e. g. Chapter 4.2.6: ift Buy at LineBreak) for explanation and examples of these scripts. Chapter. ift Subt BBB, ift Subt SMA1, ift Subt TP1, ift Subt TP2, ift Subt TP3 These scripts subtract from the lot sizes in the corresponding positions the amount of lots specified in the LotStep, as long as the result lot-size would be greater than zero, and the ift ATMS Pro is in Fixed lots mode. Please see the corresponding ift Add scripts descriptions above for further details. Chapter. ift toggle arrows amp lines on-off Will change the arrows LED on and off. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 47 48 When on, the ift ATMS will draw arrows and trend-lines connecting them on the chart when opening or closing positions. When off, it will not draw such arrows and lines. Chapter. ift toggle labels on-off Will change the labels LED on and off. When on, the ift ATMS will draw labels on the chart when opening or closing positions. When off, it will not draw such labels. Chapter. ift Trail to Current Time Frame New with version 2.0, it is possible to change the time period used for the trailing methods (BBB and SMA) in the middle of a trade. For example, enter the trade on the 1hr chart, but then set the ATMS to trail the positions based on the 15min chart. To do so, once the trade is started, change the time frame on the chart to the desired time-frame of the trail, and then run the quotift Trail to Current Time Framequot. When done, an alert would be displayed that the time-frame of the trail has been changed, and also the trailing time-frame of the trade in the console would be updated to the new time-frame: ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 48 49 It is important to note, that the ift ATMS can manage trades on all time frames. Chapter. ift View Alert History Will display the Alert history dialog box. Chapter. ift View licenses Displays the accounts registered with the ift ATMS Licensor. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 49 50 CHAPTER 5 THE ATMS PRO CONSOLE The ift ATMS Pro Console displays a range of information including options selected, the settings of the ift ATMS Pro, the status of the ift ATMS pro, the trade being managed, and results of completed trade. Detail description of the different components of the ift ATMS Pro console would be further discussed in the ift ATMS Pro training. Figure 5:1 Chapter 5.1 Console Sizes and minimized mode The ift ATMS PRO can be displayed in 4 different sizes: 1. Minimized mode. 2. Small. 3. Medium 4. Large ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 50 51 Figure 5:2 ift ATMS PRO in minimized view. The top-left chart, has the ift ATMS PRO set to automatically expand when in active trade. The bottom right chart, also has an ift ATMS PRO managing a trade, but the automatically expand mode is set to false. In the minimized view seen above, the ift ATMS PRO is collapsed to a small rectangle, showing No Trade or the symbol and timeframe of the trade that particular ift ATMS PRO is managing. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 51 52 In minimized mode, there is also an option (in section I in the ift ATMS PRO settings), to have the ift ATMS PRO automatically expand to small size, when a trade is opened. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 52 53 Figure 5:3 ift ATMS PRO (same charts as above) in Medium size mode Please note that the console size is also marked in the bottom of the ift ATMS PRO: Figure 5:4 In order to switch the size in which the ift ATMS PRO is displayed on the chart, please use the script ift Change Console Size. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 53 54 Chapter 5.2 ift ATMS Pro Status LED The ift ATMS Status LED gives information about the current status of the ift ATMS. When the ift ATMS Pro is functioning properly, the Status LED should be blinking. When there is no trade, the LED is blinking in aqua color (as can be seen in the figures above) When there is an active trade being managed, the LED is blinking in light-green color (as can be seen in the figures above). Chapter 5.3 The Console Tabs The ift ATMS display information divided into three different tabs: 1. The Settings tab which displays information about the current settings of the ift ATMS Pro. 2. The Active Trade tab which displays information about the trade being managed by the ift ATMS Pro if any. 3. The Completed Trade tab, which displays information about the last completed trade including the number of pips gained or loss for each of the positions, and the total profit or loss for that trade in US dollars. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 54 55 Figure 5:5 showing the information displayed on the Completed Trade tab The user can switch between the different tabs by using the ift Change ConsoleTab which shifts between thedifferent tabs of the ift ATMS. In addition, a specific tab can be selected by using one of the scripts: ift ConsoleTabAct Trade to set the ift ATMS Pro in the Active Trade tab. ift ConsoleTabCompletedTrade to set the ift ATMS Pro in the Completed Trade tab. ift ConsoleTabSettings to set the ift ATMS Pro in the Settings tab. Each of these scripts can be assigned a keyboard hotkey for quick activation. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 55 56 CHAPTER 6 THE IFT ATMS PRO LOT SIZE ALLOCATION The ift ATMS Pro has two modes for lot size allocation: 1. Fixed Lot sizes mode. 2. Fixed R-value mode. The Mode selected can be seen in the first line in the Settings tab in the ift ATMS: Chapter 6.1 Fixed Lot-Sizes mode In this mode, the user controls the lot-sizes allocated for each of the ift ATMS positions. When starting a trade, regardless of the number of pips from the entry to the stop-loss, the lot sizes of the different positions remains fixed. The lot sizes can be specified in the ift ATMS Pro expert advisor settings. They can then be further increased or decreased by using the corresponding ift ATMS add and subtract scripts as described in Chapter 4.2 The ift ATMS PRO Scripts Description. Chapter 6.2 Fixed R-Value mode In this mode, the user controls the target for the maximum Risk unit per trade (the R-value) and the percent of the R-value allocated for each of the positions. The R-value and percent allocation for each of the positions can be entered in the ift ATMS Pro expert advisor settings. When entering a trade, the ift ATMS then automatically calculates the lot sizes for the different positions based on the number of pips from the entry of the trade to the stop-loss ( slippage), ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 56 57 the R-value, and the percent allocation for each of these positions, in such a way that if the trade would get stopped out, the money loss of the trade would be as close to, but less than the R-value (assuming average slippage, proper functioning of the WealthTrader FX Pro and ift ATMS Pro, and normal market conditions that allow orders to be filled with average slippage). Trading with fixed R-value is an essential component of money management of any professional trader. Money management techniques, and the use of R-value can be further learned at the ifundtraders courses, seminars and trading rooms. New with version 2.0.0, the R value can be specified (in the ATMS settings), as either a fixed US dollar amount, or as a percentage of the total account balance. The default is R value settings of 0.02 of the account value. In such a case, every time a trade is started the ATMS will check the account balance at the time the trade is started, and then set the R value for the individual trade as the percentage of the account value. For example, if when the trade is started the account balance is 86,100.00, and the percentage of the account value is set to 0.2 (i. e. 0.2), then the R value would be set as 0.02 86, 172.2 ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 57 58 CHAPTER 7 THE ATMS PRO INPUTS SETTINGS The ift ATMS PRO has a multitude of user definable settings, that allow the trader to control many of the settings and parameters of the ift ATMS PRO behaviors. Figure 7:1 ift ATMS PRO expert advisor settings dialog box. Chapter 7.1 Changing the ift ATMS PRO Settings While the ift ATMS PRO is running, the F7 shortcut, or selecting Expert Advisor Properties (submenu of a chart by clicking right mouse button) is disabled. In order to change the properties of the ift ATMS PRO, please use the ift Change ATMS PRO Settings script, which will cause the ift ATMS PRO on the chart to stop, allowing the user to press F7 (or selecting Expert Advisor Properties from the menu as above) to change the ift ATMS PRO settings. Many of the settings relevant to the current trade would change the behavior of the ift ATMS PRO appropriately even if changed during an active trade. Please see Chapter 7.2 The ift ATMS PRO Settings in detail for further description. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 58 59 Chapter 7.2 The ift ATMS PRO Settings in detail Below please find a detail description of the settings: Section A: Ispropaccount: (default is false). Please make sure to set to true when running the ift ATMS Pro on a prop account in the WealthTrader FX Pro. Set to false when running the ift ATMS Pro on a Prop account. When in the Prop account mode, the ATMS will automatically limit new orders placed, to the maximum number of lots allowed in the ifundtraders advancement table. Please note the WealthTrader FX Pro platform counts pending orders as open orders when considering the number of lots available for new orders (this is so, even when trying to place the trades manually, and not via the ATMS). UseFixedLotSizes: o True using Fixed Lot sizes mode. o Falseusing R-Value lot-sizes mode. Section B: Fixed Lot-Size Settings TP1lotsize: set to the number of lots for the TP1 position, when the ift ATMS is used in the fixed lot-size mode. TP2lotsize: set to the number of lots for the TP2 position, when the ift ATMS is used in the fixed lot-size mode. TP3lotsize: set to the number of lots for the TP3 position, when the ift ATMS is used in the fixed lot-size mode. BBBlotsize: set to the number of lots for the bar-by-bar position, when the ift ATMS is used in the fixed lot-size mode. SMA1lotsize: set to the number of lots for the SMA position, when the ift ATMS is used in the fixed lot-size mode. LotStep: the number of lots to add or subtract when using the ift ATMS add and subtract scripts. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 59 60 Section C: R Lot-Size settings RValueinUSD: set the number of dollars to be used for the R-value, when the ift ATMS is using R-value lot-size mode. RValPerAcctBal: New with version 2.0.0, the R value can be specified (in the ATMS settings), as either a fixed US dollar amount, or as a percentage of the total account balance. The default is R value settings of 0.02 of the account value. In such a case, every time a trade is started the ATMS will check the account balance at the time the trade is started, and then set the R value for the individual trade as the percentage of the account value. For example, if when the trade is started the account balance is 86,100.00, and the percentage of the account value is set to 0.2 (i. e. 0.2), then the R value would be set as 0.02 86, 172.2 RValPerAcctBal: if set to true, then use the R value as percent of the account value. The percent is specified in RValPercent. When this feature of R value is set, the ATMS console displays the of the account balance selected. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 60 61 And when the trade was started, the R-value (as well as the actual risk) is shown on the console: When setting up the trade, the estimated risk of the trade and the number of lots the ATMS would open if the trade is executed is shown as seen below: TP1Percentage: the percentage of the R-value to be allocated for the TP1 position. Number can be from 0 to 100. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 61 62 TP2Percentage: the percentage of the R-value to be allocated for the TP2 position. Number can be from 0 to 100. TP3Percentage: the percentage of the R-value to be allocated for the TP3 position. Number can be from 0 to 100. BarbybarPercentage: the percentage of the R-value to be allocated for the bar-by-bar position. Number can be from 0 to 100. SMA1Percentage: the percentage of the R-value to be allocated for the 8- SMA position. Number can be from 0 to 100. Section D: Bar-by-Bar settings Please consult the ifundtraders manual to learn more about the ifundtraders propriety bar-bybar trail strategy. PipsMoveBBBSL: set to X pips. The ift ATMS would start moving the stop-loss of the bar-by-bar position only once the new SL would be X-pips in profit. BBBPIPSBelowBar: the number of pips to define a bar-break for a long position. BBBPIPSAboveBar: the number of pips to define a bar-break for a short position Section E: SMA break settings Please consult the ifundtraders manual to learn more about the ifundtraders propriety SMA trail strategy. PipsbelowSMAbreakbarlow: set to X pips. This number of pips would be used to define a bar break, when there is a penetrating bar of the 8SMA. MoveSMASLAfterTP1: set to true or false. o True the ift ATMS would start moving the SL for the SMA position only once TP1 is reached. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 62 63 o False the ift ATMS may start moving the SL for the SMA position immediately based on the SMA algorithm. Note the SL would only move to decrease the risk of the position. Figure 7:2 This trade was taken with setting to move the SMA trail only AFTER getting tgo TP1 closeallonsmabreak: set to true or false. o True the ift ATMS would close all positions if the SMA SL trail was moved and got trailed-out. Section F: TP1, TP2, TP3 settings MoveSLatTP1: set to true of false o True the ift ATMS would move the SL for ALL open positions once TP1 is reached. o False the ift ATMS would not do the above based on the TP1 level. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 63 64 MoveSLfromentryby: set to X number of pips. X can be a negative number, zero or a positive number. If MoveSLatTP1 is set to true, then the ift ATMS would move the SL of the positions by the number of pips defined in this field, from the entry of each strategy into profit territory (if X is zero), to entry (if X is zero), and below entry by X pips if X is a negative number. Section G: Previous Bar-High (PBH) and PBL settings MaxDistanceToEnter: X pips. When running the script buy at previous bar high, if when entering the trade, the Ask price has moved up and already more than X pips above the previous bar high (spread), than that entry would be cancelled. Similarly when running the script sell at previous bar s low, if for any position the Bid price is more than X pips below the previous bar low, than that entry would be cancelled. PBHPBLBreakPips: X pips: X defines the number of pips the Ask price (spread) has to exceed above the previous bar s high in order to be considered a bar break for the script ift Buy at PBH. Similarly, X defines the number of pips the Bid price has to be below the previous bar s low in order to be considered a bar break for the ift Sell at PBL script. Section H: Additional trade related settings MaxSlippageEntry: X pips. The number of pips allowed for slippage for entry for the Wealth Trader FX Pro server. It is not recommended to make this number less than 3. MaxSlippageExit: X pips. The number of pips allowed for slippage for exit for the Wealth Trader FX Pro server. It is not recommended to make this number less than 5. AveSlippage: This number of pips would be used by the ift ATMS when making the calculations for the estimated risk of the trade. DisplaySpread: true or false. Set to true to display the spread under the console. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 64 65 AlertPercent: percent of the maximum daily loss (in PROP accounts settings) that when the risk of the trade exceeds this percent, the ift ATMS would mark the risk label with red color, to give the trader a quick visual warning. This is relevant only for FIXED lots mode. For example: if in the following trade (Figure 7:3 initiating the quotift Buy at LineBreakquot script in fixed lots mode) the SL is moved further down, and the risk of the trade exceeds the specified percentage of the total daily loss, then the label of the risk changes to red (as can be seen in Figure 7:4 Risk of trade exceeds the percent of Max daily loss specified). Figure 7:3 initiating the quotift Buy at LineBreakquot script in fixed lots mode ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 65 66 Figure 7:4 Risk of trade exceeds the percent of Max daily loss specified ConfirmExecute: if set to true, a dialog box would open when running the ift Execute Trade script, asking to confirm placing the trade. Send if set to true, the ift ATMS would send an to the account specified in the WealthTrader FX Pro Options when the trade completes. Please see Chapter 10 Sending automatic on trade completion for more details. AddSwap: will add the swap charges to the trade total PL if set to true. AddCommission: will add commission charges to the trade total PL if set to true. CancelPendingATSL: (new with version 2.0): when true, the ATMS will cancel automatically pending orders if bid get to the SL price before the order got filled. Obviously, the ATMS needs to be running on the chart with access to the server in order for it to be able to do so. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 66 67 Section I: Graphics Settings DrawArrows: set to true to have the ift ATMS Pro mark arrows on the chart when entering and closing positions. Only future trades would be marked on the chart. UseLabels: set to true to have the ift ATMS Pro put labels on the chart to mark: market buy orders, market sell orders, pending buy and sell orders, pending orders filled, closing of positions. Only future trades would be marked on the chart. TotalPLDisplay: would display the total daily profit or loss in Prop account settings. Add ability to avoid displaying the R-value in the console This is set in a new option in the ATMS settings. The default is to display the R-value in the console. When set to quotfalsequot, the R value would not be displayed in the console. DisplayTPMarkers: displays labels marking the take-profit lines in the server during active trades (see Figure 7:5 Chart showing the quotTP3quot takeprofit line marker and the BBB and SMA1 stop-loss markers below). These labels move automatically during the trade as the stop-loss changes. DisplaySLMarkers: displays labels marking the stop-loss lines in the server during active trades (see Figure 7:5 Chart showing the quotTP3quot takeprofit line marker and the BBB and SMA1 stop-loss markers below). These labels move automatically during the trade as the stop-loss changes. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 67 68 Figure 7:5 Chart showing the quotTP3quot take-profit line marker and the BBB and SMA1 stop-loss markers ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 68 69 DisplayTP1Marker: displays a line marking the TP1 level, when there is no TP1 position in the server. This allows the user to better visualize the TP1 level, where that level is used in other ways, such as moving the SL of SMA position or the rest of the positions. LabelTextColor: the text color of the labels marking the opening and closing of the positions. LabelBackgroundColor: the background color of the labels marking the opening and closing of the positions. LabelFontSize: the font size used for the labels marking the opening and closing of the positions. ArrowShortColor: the color used for arrows marking the opening and closing of the positions for short trades. ArrowLongColor: the color used for arrows marking the opening and closing of the positions for Long trades. SpreadLabelColor: the color used for the spread indicator. TrendlineColor: the color used for the trend line connecting the entry and exit of the positions. TPMarkerlabelColor: the color used for the labels marking the takeprofit lines in the server during active trades (see Figure 7:5 Chart showing the quotTP3quot take-profit line marker and the BBB and SMA1 stop-loss markers below). These labels move automatically during the trade as the stop-loss changes. TPMarkerTextColor: the color used for the text marking the take-profit lines in the server during active trades (see Figure 7:5 Chart showing the quotTP3quot take-profit line marker and the BBB and SMA1 stop-loss markers below). These labels move automatically during the trade as the stop-loss changes. SLMarkerlabelColor: the color used for the labels marking the stop-loss lines in the server during active trades (see Figure 7:5 Chart showing the quotTP3quot take-profit line marker and the BBB and SMA1 stop-loss markers below). These labels move automatically during the trade as the stop-loss changes. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 69 70 SLMarkerTextColor: the color used for the text marking the stop-loss lines in the server during active trades (see Figure 7:5 Chart showing the quotTP3quot take-profit line marker and the BBB and SMA1 stop-loss markers below). These labels move automatically during the trade as the stop-loss changes. TP1MarkerColor: The color used to mark the TP1 level. SLLineColor: the color used to mark the SL lines when setting up a trade or adjusting the SL level of a trade. TPLineColor: the color used to mark the TP lines when setting up a trade or adjusting the TP levels of a trade. EntrylineColor: the color used to mark the entry line when setting up a trade. SLLineLabelColor: the color used for the label marking the SL line used when setting up a trade, or adjusting the SL level of a trade. SLLineLabelTextColor: the color used for the text of the label marking the SL line used when setting up a trade, or adjusting the SL level of a trade. TPLineLabelColor: the color used for the label marking the TP line used when setting up a trade, or adjusting the TP levels of a trade. TPLineLabelTextColor: the color used for the text of the label marking the TP lines used when setting up a trade, or adjusting the TP levels of a trade. EntryLineLabelColor: the color used for the label marking the entry line used when setting up a trade. EntryLineLabelTextColor: the color used for the text of the label marking the entry line used when setting up a trade. OpenConsole: when set to true, when the ift ATMS is in minimized mode, it would automatically open to full mode (in small size), when in an active trade. LabelsOnRight: displays the labels marking the SL, TP and entry of a trade, to the right side of the current bar. In order to have these labels visible on the screen, make sure that the Chart Shift ( ) is selected. If set to false, the labels would be displayed to the left of the current bar. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 70 71 LabelShift: the number of bars the labels marking the SL TP and entry of a trade would be displayed under (to the right or left of the current bar). The default number is 4. LineLabelFontSize: the font size used. alertforbbbsma: when set to true, and alert would be sound any time the SL of the BBB or SMA positions are changed. Section J: License Settings MAKE SURE TO ENTER ALL FIELDS ACCURATELY. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 71 72 CHAPTER 8 IFT ATMS PRO AUTOMATIC TRADE RECOVERY In cases where the WealthTrader FX Pro (or MT4 platform you are using) was accidentally closed or shut-down, The ift ATMS Pro, has an automatic trade recovery system, that attempts to automatically recover the latest trade on the ATMS Pro on a given chart once the ift ATMS Pro is running again. In order for the automatic recovery system to work, you must run the ATMS on your default profile. Please note however that this automatic recovery system is not guaranteed to succeed in 100 of the cases, and therefore it is recommended to try to ensure an uninterrupted working of the ift ATMS until completion of a trade. Please note that when changing profiles, all instances of the ift ATMS Pro Expert Advisor on the profile are stopped by the MT4 platform (WealthTrader FX Pro or the other MT4 platform you are using) and may continue working only AFTER returning to the original profile. Thus any trades that were started on the original profile and were managed by an ift ATMS Pro, would STOP being managed when changing to a different profile (and may resume when the user returns back to the original profile where the ift ATMS Pro were running and managing the trades). At that time, the ift ATMS Pro would attempt to recover the trades, and resume management of those trades. However, as mentioned above, the recovery process does NOT succeed in 100 of the cases. In the rare events that the ift ATMS recovery did not work, the user would have to continue management of the trade manually. It is therefore NOT recommended to change profiles in your MT4 platform when there is an ift ATMS PRO that is in the middle of an active trade. Users are encouraged to just have more than one MT4 platform running on their computer. Once a trade is started on a platform, do not change the profile on that platform, but rather use another MT4 platform to scan for other trades and change profiles if desired to do so until the trade managed by the ATMS is complete. This version of the ift ATMS Pro does not currently support manual trade recovery options, but this option may be included in future product releases. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 72 73 CHAPTER 9 IFT ATMS PRO ADVANCED LABELING SYSTEM The ift ATMS Pro features the Smart-Labeling system. The ift ATMS PRO can mark on the chart with arrow heads and labels the entry and exits for the different trade positions. Figure 9:1 The ift ATMS Pro connects the entry and exits with trend lines. ift ATMS Pro put labels on the chart to mark: market buy orders, market sell orders, pending buy and sell orders, pending orders filled, closing of positions (a specific label would is placed for each of the positions). Only future trades would be marked on the chart. The labels are re-drawn on the chart automatically when changing timeframes of the chart, so that the labels are automatically spaced below and ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 73 74 above the bars in the different time-frames in order to enhance chart visibility. The Smart-labeling system automatically keeps on the chart the last trades, and then when reaching the 30 th trade it erase the first 10 trades. This feature allows the trader to go back to the chart, and analyze prior trades in order to enhance the learning experience. Figure 9:2 trade on 5min chart, showing prior recent completed trade on the same chart The Colors of the arrows, trend lines, labels background and label text can be defined by the user in the ift ATMS Pro expert advisor settings. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 74 75 CHAPTER 10 SENDING AUTOMATIC ON TRADE COMPLETION The ift ATMS Pro is capable of sending an when completing a trade. Please note that Meta-Trader4 only supports accounts that DO NOT require encryption connection (SSL). In order to do so: Step 1: The Send option in Section H: Additional trade related settings has to be set to true. Step 2: The tab under the WealthTrader FX Pro Tools-gtOptions has to be filled-out correctly. The enable check box has to be selected. The SMTP server, SMTP login and password has to be filled out correctly. The From and To field has to be filled with the SMTP login account names. Once this is done, press on the test button, and make sure that the test went through correctly. If not, consult the WealthTrader FX Pro support. Example settings: (these examples do not signify endorsement of any service, and are only brought here to serve as helpful examples) For Yahoo accounts: SMTP server smtp. mail. yahoo. br:25 For Yahoo plus accounts: SMTP server plus. smtp. mail. yahoo:587 ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 75 76 CHAPTER 11 RECOMMENDED WEALTHTRADER FX PRO CONFIGURATION It is recommended that the ift ATMS PRO be used with two concurrent WealthTrader Pro installations. One used to scan for trades allowing the trader to switch quickly between profiles if so desired. On the second WealthTrader FX Pro installation, it is recommended to have a Market overview setup with the ATMS PRO installed on each of the currency charts. Then, when finding a trade on the scanning platform, the traders then changes the chart with the ift ATMS PRO to the time-frame desired for the trailing strategies, and places the trade with the ift ATMS Pro. The ift ATMS Pro comes pre-installed with market overview setup profiels in black ( ift ATMS Pro Black ) background and in white background ( ift ATMS Pro White ). Figure 11:1 The ift ATMS Pro Black market overview profile with the ift ATMS Pro running on each of the charts ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 76 77 CHAPTER 12 MANUAL MANIPULATIONS OF THE IFT ATMS PRO POSITIONS The ift ATMS PRO is designed to allow the trader a lot of flexibility to be able to adjust the positions manually using the regular WealthTrader FX (Meta-trader4) interface. To do so: open the terminal window: Figure 12:1 The terminal window showing a trade entered with the ift ATMS PRO In the figure above, the terminal window is shown of a trade entered with the ift ATMS PRO. As can been seen, there are five positions. In the comment sections, the type of the positions can be seen (TP1, TP2, TP2, BBB and SMA1). As with all other regular entries in Meta-Trader4, the SL and TP of the positions can be adjusted manually. Please note that the SL of the trailing BBB and SMA would get readjusted by the ATMS PRO based on the trailing strategies. Tailing stops can be added to the different positions via the MT4 interface as well. It is also possible to do partial close of the positions. Please note however that if a partial close of a position, the rest of the position would not be managed by the ift ATMS PRO, and the ift ATMS PRO considers that position closed. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 77 78 CHAPTER 13 IFT ATMS PRO LIMITATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS Chapter 13.1 Changing templates: If changing the templates on a chart that has an ift ATMS PRO on it, the WealthTrader FX Pro would remove the ift ATMS PRO automatically. This is an automatic feature of Meta-Trader 4. If the ift ATMS PRO was managing a trade at the time, when the template is changed, the ift ATMS PRO would be removed, and no longer would manage the trade. The trade however would stay active in the WealthTrader FX Pro server, and the user would have to manage that trade manually from that point. The ift ATMS PRO currently does not support a feature that would allow for recovering the trade management after a change of templates, but it may be that such a feature would be added in the future. Chapter 13.2 Changing Profiles: When changing profiles, Meta-Trader4, stops the activity of the ift ATMS PRO active on that profiles just closed. For example, lets say that ProfileA contains an active ift ATMS PRO that manages a EurUSD trade. If the user change the profile to ProfileB, then the ift ATMS PRO that was managing the EurUSD trade on ProfileA would be suspended. Until the trader returns to ProfileA, the ift ATMS PRO would not be able to change any of the trailing SL or do anything with that trade. To make matters even more complicated, when returning to profilea, from a technical perspective the ift ATMS PRO actually has to go through an automatic recovery process. It is as if Meta-Trader4 is restarting the EA on that EurUSD trade. Even though the ift ATMS PRO would be successful in recovery of that trade most of the time when switching back from the other profile back to ProfileA, it is not guaranteed that the ift ATMS PRO would be successful 100 of the time. It is thus possible on some occasions that if the user changes profiles while there is still an ift ATMS PRO that is in a middle of a trade, that when the trader returns back to that original profile the ift ATMS PRO would not be able to continue managing the trade, and in such occasions, the user would have to continue managing the trade manually. It is thus NOT RECOMMENDED to switch profiles while the ift ATMS PRO is in a middle of a trade on any of the charts within that profile. Chapter 13.3 Partially Closing Part of the Position In this version of the product, when partially closing a position, the ift ATMS PRO stops managing that position. For example, if there are 0.04 lots on the BBB position, and the user ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 78 79 manually closes half of them, the ift ATMS PRO would NOT continue management of the remaining 0.02 lots, and the user would have to manually mange the rest of that position. However the ATMS PRO would continue to manage any other positions within that trade. Chapter 13.4 Changing the time-frame of the trailing strategies New with version 2.0, once a trade is started, the user can change the timeframe used in determining the BBB and SMA trails in the middle of the trade. To do that, move to the new time frame desired. The run the script: quotift Trail to Current Time Framequot. It is important to note, that the ift ATMS can manage trades on all time frames. Figure 13:1 ift ATMS managed trade on 5min chart Chapter 13.5 Expert Advisor Properties (F7) is not working While the ift ATMS PRO is running, the F7 shortcut, or selecting Expert Advisor Properties (submenu of a chart by clicking right mouse botton) is not working. In order to change the properties of the ift ATMS PRO, please use the ift Change ATMS PRO Settings script, which will hold the ift ATMS PRO on the chart, allowing the user to press F7 (or selecting Expert Advisor Properties from the menu as above) to change the ift ATMS PRO settings. Many of the settings relevant to the current trade would change the behavior of the ift ATMS PRO appropriately even if changed during an active trade. Please see Chapter 7.2 The ift ATMS ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 79 80 PRO Settings in detail for description on which settings could be changed prior to initiating a trade, and which can be changed even while the ift ATMS PRO is in the middle of a trade. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 80 81 CHAPTER 14 IFT ATMS PRO ERROR REPORTING Chapter 14.1 Unable to change stop loss When changing the SL, either automatically by the ATMS PRO when changing the SL of the barby-bar or SMA positions, or when changing the SL by the ift Adjust SL script, it could happen on rare occasions that the ATMS PRO would not be successful at changing the SL. This could happen for example when the WealthTrader FX Pro server is busy. On such occasions the ift ATMS PRO displays an Alert that it is unable to change the SL. It also gives the trade symbol, the time frame, and the prices of the old SL and the new SL, as can be seen in the example below: Figure 14:1 ift ATMS PRO Error: unable to change SL Note, that the ift ATMS PRO continues to attempt changing the SL in the background, and displays an alert when it succeeds, as was seen in the figure above. On the console, a red LED would be displayed in the SL location indicating that there was an error setting or adjusting the SL, in this case for the BBB position. This can be seen in the figure below: Figure 14:2 ift ATMS PRO displaying an error in adjusting the SL ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 81 82 Chapter 14.1 Please enable the expert advisor for the ift ATMS PRO to work When putting the ift ATMS PRO EA on a chart, the Meta-Trader4 Expert Advisors have to be enabled. If the expert advisors are disabled the ift ATMS PRO can not work, and the following error would be reported: Figure 14:3 To enable the Expert advisors, press on the Expert Advisors button in WealthTrader FX Pro marked in the figure below: Figure 14:4 Expert Advisors button in the off mode. Once pressed, the Expert Advisors button would turn green, showing that the expert advisors are enabled as seen in the figure below: Figure 14:5 Expert Advisors in quotOnquot mode ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 82 83 When the expert advisors are working, and the ift ATMS PRO is working properly, the blinking light in the ift ATMS PRO console should be blinking. Chapter 14.1 Please set allow live trading In order for the ift ATMS PRO to be able to place the trades and move the SL of the different positions, the options of the expert advisors should be set to allow live trading. If live trading is not enabled, the ift ATMS PRO would display the following error when first started on a chart: Figure 14:6 In order to fix this: Step 1: in the WealthTrader FX Pro open the Tools menu, then select options. Step 2: select the Expert Advisors tab: Figure 14:7 Step 3: Make sure that the Allow Live Trading is checked, as in the figure above. ift ATMS Pro User Manual (Manual updated: May 30, 2013). Page 83

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